Friday 28 March 2014

Risk assessment and Recce

For the corridors in my short film I am going to use the back of Bluewater shopping centre in kent.
The main risks we would come across in this location would be debris on the floor becoming a trip hazard. Members of staff from local shops getting deliveries and traffic from staff.

Bluewater would be really easy to get to for my actors by car or public transport, the photo is a map on how to get there from our meeting point which is the leigh technology academy. If actors are unable to drive there are many local train stations such and Greenhithe where you can get a Fasttrack bus one stop to Bluewater or you could get the train to Dartford train station and either get the fast track B to Bluewater or a TFL bus either the 96, 492, and 428 all there buses come at fairly regular time from time periods between 8 minuets to 35 minuets.

Monday 17 March 2014


1. This is the introduction shot of the main protagonist Annabel waking up on the floor in a strange unknown room.  not knowing who she is and where she is. This is common in science fiction film about cloning as they have had their memory whipped or have not experienced anything yet. The lighting in this is quite hard the reason for this is the fact that bright light represents birth, as she is coming out of the darkness. this room has a faint hum going though it.

2. The close up shot of annabel show the innocence with her blonde hair and blue eyes, her eye's are darting around. also the fact that one side of her face is illuminated and one side is shadowed foreshadows the fact that annabel has a darker side that you will not see till towards the end. 
3. The shot shows annabel with her head in her hands crying due to the fact she scared about where she.  The hard lighting shows the innocents of the character and the fact that she is quite helpless at this point. This shows that she is still quite child like as she has not worked out a plan on how to escape.
4. This is a paper file that has been left on the desk with all of Annabel's personal details. She spots these files from the position where her head is in her hand in the previous key frame. it is really only meant to be the paper file that is illuminated, the photo frame in the corner of the shot is a photo with annabel with a young man that can only be assumed to be her parter or brother.
5. This shot shows annabel crawling toward the desk with the file on at this point. I want the audience to think that at this point she helpless and has so much fear she has lost use of her legs. The fact that she is crawling from the lighter side of the room to the darker side this shows that she is escaping from her innocence's.

6. This shows annabel reading all the information about her thing that she that puzzles her most is when it say's "no added features Empty" the fact that there are shadows over the page shows the fact that there is a greater power behind this.  

7. This image shows a photo frame that is suppose to have an image of Annabel and a young man in it ageing from 18 to 22, this image provokes a reaction from her forcing her to thrown it off of the table, with it hitting the ground with a shattering sound. This sound is her darker side breaking out.

8. This is the smashed photo frame that Annabel is now crouched next to but you see the shot through her eyes. To try and evoke an emotional response from the audience. A faint sound starts to apper, a a beam of white light starts to glow on her face.

9.The light is seeping through the crack in the door, Annabel goes over the investigate, the sound get louder and louder as she appaches the door, to investigate the sound gets unbearable something sounding similar to a nail on a chalk board. The light is also getting brighter inveloping annabels face. As she opens the door the light has vanished.

10. All that can be seen is a blur of what we can make out is a corridor with two men standing at the end off it, annabels vistion starts to clear up and what she assumed about the corridor is true. The two men come charging towards her and pick her up Annabel is kicking and screaming for them to put her down.

11. This shows the man from the photo, emerging from the shadows. The fact that the light is coming from below him shows that he is an antagonist, also the fact that his shadow behind him is enlarged also it shows that there is a greater evil behind him. 

12. This shows the man passing Annabel the what seems to be a tablet as its producing light. At this point you hear a heartbeat getting louder and louder as it get closer to Annabel.

13. Annabels fears come true when it is revealed what it turns out to be. It is a copy of the photo frame which seems to have the same photo in. But the photo frames seem to digital photo frame it seems like it has been cloned and distorted but is not the original.

14. This angers Annabel so she lunges over the table knowing that this is not the real man from the photo it is a copy of him. They both seem to have super human strength, but the mans is superior to Annabels, so he throws her off of him as if she is a rag doll and annabel hits the wall with an unearthly thud.  

15. The man in a rather cockey manner gets up and brushes the dirt off of his jacket while looking down at Annabel. Who is still lying unconscious from being thrown into the wall. A faint heart beat starts to play in the background, but it seems to be mechanically distorted and a little hollow. 

16. The faint hollow heart beat is getting stronger as the man walks over to Annabel, it starts to get louder as he gets closer. The dim lighting also starts to flicker. The cameras looking down at her shows how weak she is at this point.

17. The man goes up to her and places a single hand round her throat, The heart beat stops and she opens her eyes. Showing his power over her like the Engineer from Prometheus. This is showing his unhuman like strength. The fact that Annabel is looking down at the man give Annabel a sense of power. Also the fact that the light is coming down from her head enhances the fact that she has been given a second chance.

18. This shot shows the man with Blood on his teeth, The reason I have chosen this shot is to reinforce his strength and to she that he is not human he is something more. The light also highlights this as it is coming from underneath him, This could be seen to show the devils work or another evil force.

19. This shows Annabel is stabbing the man with a shard of glass from the broken photo frame from earlier on in the shot, that fact the he is bleeding shows that he is mortal but no human is naturally that strong. Annabel is still suspicious. But the light in the room brightens.

20. When the lights come up it reveals a row of what seem to be pale white torsos placed along a rail in the room. Annabel starts to feel a connection to them. Now she finally understands what she is, she did not believe the words the man said, but all the evidence is In front of her. The way the light is hitting them enhances the female features of the torsos, but the shadows also so that this is not over. The way I achieved this lighting and the shadows in this was by shining and led light off camera at the side of the torsos.

Friday 7 March 2014


A woman who has no memory and recollection of who she is, where she comes from and why she is here, she wakes up in a office seems like a office in a hospital, with plain walls that are painted a slightly off white. The colour of walls seem to have been damaged by cigarette smoke the walls are almost orange from the nicotine and tar, Theres a desk in the middle of the room, with a file and a picture frame with the picture of the woman and an unknown man. The woman leaves the the office in a panic she bumps in to some official looking people, who drag her in to a different room this time it is just a black room with one light in the centre of it sitting on a table, a man comes over from a dark corner in the room and asks the woman some questions then shows her some cctv tapes of the woman, the woman has not a clue when these were taken. she doesn't believe its her, the the lights go up and it reveals the is in some kind of body chop shop a factory with woman's torsos hanging all the wall.

The first room where Annabel wakes up is an off white colour with bright likes shining from the celling causing lens flairs when ever it hits the camera, the camera is going to move in a fluid long shot for this room, following Annabel where ever she goes. (1.) The first time you see Annabel is the camera panning up her body as she is laying on the floor, When the camera gets to her face her eyes open, reviling her crystal blue-eyes. (2.) When her eyes open she dart around the room she starts to get frantic the camera starts to get further away from her portraying that she is alone. This behaviour normally happens in films where people are coming back to life, in this case she is being reborn in a cloned form. (3.) When Annabel starts crying this is when it starts to cut in to a close up of her head in her lap crying this short will be taken from a high anger to portray her innocence and weakness in this shot she is going to be lit from the top. After she stops crying she is still lit from above. Being lit from above and being shot at high angers it shows her weakness and innocents as she is clueless to where she is. She starts to crawl towards a desk that is placed in the middle of the room. (4.) The camera will be placed in her face showing her crawling across the floor this is to symbolise her trying to find her feet like a new born deer, this shot will also show the weakness of the character. When she has managed to reach the desk she pulls her self up on to the chair. (5.) You are going to see a folder on a desk with information through Annabels eyes. The folder contains information on Annabel, this is when you first find out everything about her, this will show that someone she does not know, knows everything about her. This shows that people have been following her and finding out all off the stuff about her even the intermate personal details  (6.)  Annabel gets up from the chair walks over to the door at this point an unearthly light shines through the doors she opens the door the white light tempoarys distorts her vision. (7.)  When her eyes have finally adjusted, he sees a long corridor that does not seem to end with two blurs at the end by what seem to be a door. (8.) fainly when she reachers the end of the corridor it turns out to be two men quite well built they pick her up and start to drag her. (9.) the two guards throw Annabel in to a pitch black room she pulls her self up on to the table that is in the middle and sees the same photo from the other room again she hears a man talking. (10.) the man walks out from the shadows he is in a tweed jacket white shirt and tie, he looks around the same age as Annabel. (11.)  he passes a tablet like device over the table to Annabel. The man tells her some information about what she is the fact that her real self is dead and she is a cole with the memories Implanted in her(12.) Annabel leaps over the table and mounts the man repeatedly hitting him in the face. The guards throw her off the man (13.) Annabel hit the wall at some speed and seems to be knocked out the man gets up off of the floor and tells the guards to leave. (14.) the man whips the dirt from the floor off his suit brushing it away the man look at Annabel (15.) The man notices something cold running down his face he wipes it, then realise that it's blood, he has an angered look come across his face. (16.) He walks up to Annabel and picks her up by her throat she starts to struggle (17.) from over her shoulders you see the man smiling with the blood smered on his face and in his teeth. (18.) suddenly the mans face drops and blood starts to flow out of his mouth, like a waterfall. (19.) he looks down to see that he had blood coming through his shirt  he drops to the floor clutching his stomach where he had been stabbed (20.) Annabel pulls the shank out of his stomach it seems to be a shard of glass from the smashed photo frame, while whispering his ear. 


A woman who has no memory and recollection of who she is, where she comes from and why she is here, she wakes up in a office seems like a office in a hospital, with plain walls that are painted a slightly off white. The colour of walls seem to have been damaged by cigarette smoke the walls are almost orange from the nicotine and tar, Theres a desk in the middle of the room, with a file and a picture frame with the picture of the woman and an unknown man. The woman leaves the the office in a panic she bumps in to some official looking people, who drag her in to a different room this time it is just a black room with one light in the centre of it sitting on a table, a man comes over from a dark corner in the room and asks the woman some questions then shows her some cctv tapes of the woman, the woman has not a clue when these were taken. she doesn't believe its her, the the lights go up and it reveals the is in some kind of body chop shop a factory with woman's torsos hanging all the wall.

Script - Empty

Casting Consideration